5 downsides of being a bookworm

I know what you're thinking. Why the hell has Jazz placed the words 'downsides' and 'bookworm' in the same sentence? It's akin to a sentence containing the words 'apocalypse' and 'wonderful', or 'green tea' and 'delicious'. It just doesn't make any sense as a sentence. It's garbled nonsense or, some might say, a book lover's version of … Continue reading 5 downsides of being a bookworm

WTF powers/abilities: Jazz’s top 5

Reading allows us to suspend disbelief, if only for a few minutes. It's one of the many beautiful things about literature. No matter how shitty things are in the reality in which we find ourselves trapped, the pages of a book provide us with temporary respite. Consequently, we'd completely hate it if the book we … Continue reading WTF powers/abilities: Jazz’s top 5