

Hello and welcome to I swoon over fictional men (previously I swoon over fictional, non-human men before I realised that, actually, I just like men, human or not).

I’m Jazz and I’m a twenty-something year old audio description scripter based in Glasgow, Scotland, and, if you hadn’t already guessed, I adore all things bookish. Outside of reading and blogging, I enjoy writing, reading tarot cards, baking, playing computer and board games and drinking copious amounts of tea. 

I’m also a proud mum to four adorable rats.


34 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey, we have something in common. I swoon over women of fiction (mostly animated and comic books), too. And, my family thinks me a freak for feeling that way. Of course, knowing my luck, I’m probably thrice your age (with a sliver of me that’s still a teen at heart). 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah well I don’t think you’re a freak! You can join the rest of us here in lusting over fictional characters 😛

      Age is irrelevant 🙂 It’s all about how you feel! I’m 24 and usually feel about 70 after a day at work 😉 My books make me feel youthful again, though!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Is it wrong I even find Gumball’s mother (on The Amazing World of Gumball) attractive? 😀

        I am a terrible joiner. So, even if there was some club of misfit fans who hide their acne in closets, I would likely bristle. So, for the time being, I am a mutant on the run, hiding my oddity, living in anguish like the LGBT people who struggle to come out of their closets.

        Oh, so you’re not terribly young. Okay, so I’m more twice than thrice your age. These days, I just assume those dominating the internet haven’t even graduated from high school, yet.

        I felt like a teenager at age 4. I am not sure I ever felt 4. And, though age is slowly creeping over my youthfulness like a dark sky, a part of me clings to the interests I had in my youth.

        If I ever feel 70, I might as well find a cave to occupy and hope the place is only shared by friendly creatures.

        Liked by 1 person

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