
I feel like I’ve been a bad blogger as of late. Does anyone else get immense guilt weighing down upon them if they don’t post in a couple of days? Or is that just me being my usual over dramatic self? I’ve been quite busy with work lately so have been finding it difficult to both read and blog about said reads. I’m also sorry if I haven’t been commenting on posts as much at the moment.


I thought I’d give you all a few updates on life here at I swoon over fictional, non-human men HQ anyway.

  1. I’ve just started a new podcast series! It’s called ‘A Cup of Tea and a Chinwag with Jazz’ and each episode is essentially me rambling for ten minutes about some literature-themed issue or topic. Episode two is in the works and you can check out the first episode ‘What is poetry?’ here.
  2. I’m currently working on my first poetry anthology. It’s going to be called Sweet Oblivion (which I can’t say without putting on a ridiculous movie trailer voice) and is being published through Smashwords. The body of the book is finished, just some final editing and formatting to go. My friend, who’s an illustrator, is designing the front cover and I’m beyond excited to share the final book with you guys.

17 thoughts on “Updates

    1. Thank you! 😀 It was you who inspired me to publish some of my work on Smashwords. I’d been so hesitant to share my work, but you gave me the much needed metaphorical push so thank you 🙂

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  1. Yay poetry book! Hopefully filled with drunken haiku’s!😂
    Really don’t sweat it about not posting daily, lots of bloggers do – somehow! But so many great bloggers don’t either, it’s all good, it’s not a job, it’s a hobby, post when you can, the best bloggers don’t post daily, yeah, I don’t post daily so that’s my bit of bigging up my blog!lol😀
    I’m going to stay well away from the being ‘over dramatic’ bit, answering questions like that never ends well!😂

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    1. Sadly there isn’t a single haiku in this book, but perhaps in the sequel 😛
      I follow a couple of bloggers who seem to post something every five minutes quite literally. I get that they probably schedule posts, but damn, they still have to sit down at some point and write them all which I assume takes a considerable amount of time! Well, it’s nice to know I’ve joined the ranks of best bloggers in my lack of daily posts 😛 Thanks for the reassurance 😀

      1. Oh well, haiku’s are over-rated, drunken ribald limericks would probably be better! 🙂
        Yeah, writing posts does take ages and let’s not forget wordpress and it’s wonderful array of issues that make everything harder than it should be to do! 😦
        Ha, don’t let the bloggers who post daily see you write that, they will come after me with pitchforks and anyway….you post poetry all the best cool bloggers post poetry! lol

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    1. I hope so anyway 😛 I know most people don’t post daily and that it’s nothing I should feel guilty about, but it was something I told myself I’d do when I first started my blog…admittedly, that was before I started my job, though 😛

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  2. Ooh, I can’t wait to see when it’s ready. I always feel like that. Since the beginning of the year I’ve been posting so infrequently because I’ve been so busy. (Also, I apologise. I think, at some point I accidentally unfollowed you because when I went onto your blog I wasn’t following. So sorry Jazz.)


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